This AI powered, fashion market research tool will generate a personalized PDF report including:
Office space, equipment, legal, IP and other capital costs.
Design, Fabrics, Trims, Patterns, Samples, Models and more.
Website, Marketing, Sales Reps, PR, Warehousing & Logistics.
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own fashion business?
If so, you have two possible paths ahead of you.
First, you can continue dreaming and watch the years roll by, or...
You can take the bull by the horns and start making your dream come true!
Don't get me wrong. I totally understand that this is not as simple as it sounds.
To be successful you're going to need to master a thousand new skills and overcome a gazillion obstacles.
Launching a new fashion startup is not easy.
Launching a sustainable fashion business is close to impossible.
But let me share a secret with you.
No one ever succeeded by having all the answers before they started!
There is only one path forward that leads to you creating the fashion business you've always dreamed of: get your butt out of that chair and take action!
And want to know exactly what action is critical for you to take? Financial planning.
So, click the button below and get my Fashion Startup Budget. It will give you a starting point for making sure you're prepared for the journey ahead.
Work your way through it and then give me a call. I'll be standing beside you all the way.