Networking is a great for business. It should be something you do on a consistent basis.
I manage a Meet-up group called NYC Fashion Entrepreneurs. Yesterday we had our first meet-up at a local pub in Hell’s Kitchen. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed meeting each other. It was a great bunch since everyone did something different in the fashion industry. Cards were exchanged and ideas of how we could help each others businesses were discussed. It was just what a good networking event should do.
Here are 5 benefits of networking:
1. Networking exposes you to opportunities you might not normally have. There are always lots of opportunities that come from networking and in fact this is where the benefits of business networking are huge!
2. It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know. This is so true in business. If you want a really successful business, then you need to have a great source of relevant connections in your network that you can call on when you need them.
3. Having like-minded business owners to talk to also gives you the opportunity to get advice from them on all sorts of things related to your business. We sometimes work in a bubble and having a different point of view can be helpful.
4. Meeting other people who do things differently from you can give you new ideas. Yesterday I met a women who does amazing illustrations. It gave me the idea on how I want to do a brochure I am working on.
5. According to Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” If this is true than you should surround yourself with people who lift you higher. Networking is great for this, as business owners that are using networking are usually people that are really going for it, positive and uplifting.
There are so many ways to network. Join associations or Meet-up groups There are groups for every type of industry there is. If there isn’t you can always start one yourself.
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