Everyone makes mistakes. Even the greatest leaders ever make them. But, great leaders don’t hide their mistakes or blame them on someone else. Nor do they run from them. However, great leaders are careful not to make these mistakes.
- Hide from problems – Great leaders face issues head on. They are solution oriented and know that by procrastinating they only exacerbate problems. They also don’t let problems throw them because they know that it is part of the job.
- Do not create conflicts within their teams – Have you ever seen a manager who takes pleasure in creating competition between employees? I’m not talking about contests for most sales of the month, but the kind of competition that causes intrigue and backstabbing within a group. They also show favoritism which can create rivalry that distracts people from the mission. Good managers foster good relationships between team members.
- Do not operate secretively – A secretive boss is one who delights in power over others. They also create an atmosphere of distrust and insecurity among their staff. By keeping people in the know great leaders develop loyalty in their team and also get their staff to champion the goals of the company.
- Give positive feedback for a job well done and constructive feedback when mistakes are made – I recently had a client who’s staff worked incredibly hard for the company and gave their all. Rather than complimenting them on a job well done he was always complaining about what they did wrong. The staff was miserable and ultimately lost their motivation. People work hard for leaders who appreciate and acknowledge them. And if they do make mistakes they appreciate learning from them rather than feeling judged.
- Give credit to their team – Success is never from one persons efforts. It always is a group effort. Great leader share commendations with their staff.
- They don’t pass the buck – A good leader doesn’t take all the credit for the success of their team but they also do not blame others for their failures.