For the last few weeks I have been revamping my fashion consulting business website. I was not very happy with it before as the website’s performance was poor. My bounce rate was high and people spent little time on the site. I was told by several people that it was not very informative or useful. I found someone whose expertise included creating a website that was consistent with my branding message. His name is Dennis Lewis and his website is: He did an amazing job and the reviews are excellent. If you need a website I highly recommend him.
These days having a powerful website is essential. It is also essential to have it be mobile compatible. Which generally means that the site can be viewed easily on a mobile device. A good website gives your business credibility. I find that I don’t take a company as seriously if they do not have one. A good website gives you visibility. Increasing visibility is one major factor that makes having a website important. Even if people have heard about your company, they may want to carry out research online first, before even contacting you. It also gives you a place to tell your brand story. You create the content so you control the message.
A website is up 24/7 so anyone can find you at anytime. Without a website you are almost invisible on the web. With most people finding companies they want to do business with on the web being invisible is not good. But having a website is not enough. It needs to be effective. While you don’t necessarily have to spend thousands of dollars to create one (there are great templates out there) you do need to make sure that your website reflects your brand and creates customer interest. Do what it takes to create a compelling website and you will find business coming to you.
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