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  • 5 Mistakes to Avoid as a Fashion Entrepreneur
October 6, 2017
Maria Pesin

Mistakes are part of life. They most definitely are part of business.   It is important to learn from them. But, even better if you learn from others. Here are 5 that you should avoid.

  1. Treating employees unfairly

An employee will only work hard if they feel like they are respected at the business. Treating your employees poorly can result in poor service on their part, which could hurt your clientele. Respecting their availability, acknowledging their successes and keeping a positive work atmosphere will keep them motivated to work hard. We’ve all had bad bosses, and you don’t want to be someone else’s.

  1. Never adapting to trends

What’s hot, and what’s not, can change at the drop of a hat? Staying relevant is how you stay in business. You need to stay on top of the current, and upcoming, popular trends to give your customers what they want, not what they wanted last year. All types of businesses go through trends, and optimizing those trends brings in customers that could lead to them finding something they didn’t expect. They come for the trend but could stay around to see what else you have to offer.

  1. Not knowing your demographic

We may want to, but it’s impossible to please everyone. As a business owner, you need to learn your demographic. Who’s buying your product? The same person that buys sweatpants with cartoons on them is most likely not the same person that’s going to buy a pair diamond-studded heels. And that’s okay! Find a niche, and run with it. Trying to incorporate 30 different types of styles and interests is only going to confuse people.

  1. Not reaching out for experienced advice

There’s always going to be someone bigger and better than you. There’s always going to be someone more successful that is making more money than you. But instead of being jealous of them, ask them how they did it. Never be too proud to ask for advice. There are so many people in the world of business with different experiences, different strategies and different success stories. Always be eager to learn more.

  1. Trying to survive, not thrive

The number one mistake that we make not only as business owners, but as people in general, is that we focus on staying afloat, never trying to go above and beyond. Never settle. Never be happy with just surviving. Always try and thrive to the best of your abilities.

About the Author

Maria Pesin

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