Sometimes it’s hard not to get discouraged.
Deliveries are delayed, samples come in wrong, stores are late making payment. Believe me, I know that sometimes things happen in my business that are out of my control and I also get discouraged. It’s just human nature.
Running a business is not always smooth sailing and it is often harder than you ever expected. (similar to marriage and raising children, lol).
For entrepreneurs, being discouraged from time to time comes as part of the gig.
Entrepreneurship is filled with peaks and valleys. And from experience, I know the valleys can feel like someone has trounced on your spirit. Someone wearing big heavy military boots.
This can lead to questioning and self-doubt.
So what is the solution? Sometimes you just need to step away. Read a book, see a movie, or go to the gym. But what do you do if that is not an option?
Listen closely, because I have a multi-step sure-fire solution that works for me:
Step 1: determine what the exact problem is…without blowing it out of proportion. For example if a delivery is delayed, rather than thinking I will go out of business, I slow down and state the exact problem. Many times it is not as bad as I thought.
Step 2: make a list of possible solutions. For the delayed delivery I may ask the factory to give me a discount, or send by air rather then boat if they are coming from overseas. There are always viable alternatives if you breathe calmly and look closely.
Step 3: take action. In our hypothetical case of the delayed delivery, I get on the phone and start negotiating. The key step is taking action.
To me the cure for discouragement is activity.
Movement always beats sitting there in the dumps. I totally understand that when you’re in the thick of the problem it can be difficult to see a solution as you get so emotionally involved. You just can’t think straight.
When that happens get your team on board. This is when your business consultant is worth her weight in gold.
Contact them to talk you off the roof and brainstorm solutions.
And remember, a month from now today’s mountain of despair will seem like just a bump in the road!
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