Crafting Success: Balancing Artistic Vision and Business Acumen in Fashion

Fashion is a unique industry where creativity meets commerce. The tension between these two forces has driven some of the most iconic innovations in fashion history, yet it

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Do You Have What It Takes To Have A Successful Fashion Brand?

Do you have what it takes to have a successful fashion brand? Starting your own fashion brand is risky. You put a lot of your own money into

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10 Critical Mistakes Fashion Designers Make

Being aware of the critical mistakes fashion designers make and avoiding them will raise your chances of being successful in your business. Being a fashion designer is not

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Is Your Fashion Business Thriving or Surviving?

Thriving or Surviving, what is your business doing? I am always networking and meeting new people in the fashion industry. Many of which are looking to become my

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Choose The Right Trade Show For Your Fashion Brand.

How should you choose the right trade show for your fashion brand?  If you have been thinking of doing trade shows read this article to help you determine

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What Is Your Fashion Brands Unique Selling Proposition?

Do you know what your unique selling proposition is or as some people call it your USP?  Your USP is what makes your business different from your competition.

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New Year-New Decade of Promise

Today officially marks the last day of 2019. We’re about to embark on a new decade full of promise and potential. New Year’s is a time of new

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Do Business Better Podcast

Check out my latest podcast with Damian Mason, where I discuss my success path in the fashion industry from when I first started to where I am now.

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Holiday Extravaganza

Thanksgiving is only one day away, and that brings us to a time of family togetherness and also holiday shopping. Every year they seem to be starting Christmas

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Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

Check out my latest podcast with Influential Entrepreneurs with host, Mike Saunders where I discuss the fashion industry as a whole and my business success path. “Establishing new businesses, growing

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