Is Your Social Media Telling A Story?

Have you ever noticed that some fashion brands post random photos or messages that mean nothing to the brand and have no cohesion?  It is as if they

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Are you selling enough brick and mortar stores?

I recently read a statistic stated by Manhattan Associates that… “Online retailers have seen sales decrease by as much as 23 percent in zip codes where physical stores close.”

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Does Making Ethical Fashion Impact Your Sales?

First off, what exactly is ethically produced fashion. According to Ethical Fashion Forum “ethical fashion represents an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of clothing which maximizes

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5 Ways To Increase Your Fashion Business Sales?

Fashion entrepreneurs have one thing in common.  They always seek to grow their businesses.  They see themselves as a major brand and rightfully so.  While they may not

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Are You Creating An Outstanding Brand Experience?

What is a brand experience?  A brand experience is conceptualized as the sensations, emotions, perception, and behavioral responses evoked by brand related activities Marketing is all about delivering  the

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Why a New Fashion Company Urgently Needs a Business Plan

There is so much that goes into starting a business.  Most new entrepreneurs don’t know what it entails.  They don’t even know what their first steps should be.

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The Value of Setting Goals For Your Fashion Brand

It seems to me that new entrepreneurs are afraid of setting goals for their business.  They have no idea what their goals should be; so they either don’t

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Three Reasons Why You May Need A Fashion Industry Consultant?

This is going to sound somewhat self serving, but a good consultant can make a difference between success or failure.  You might be new to the industry or

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How Do You Know If Your Fashion Brand Is Really Good?

One of the worst situations I have to deal with is speaking with new brands who truly believe their collection is far superior to the reality.  I am

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How To Create a Million Dollars business In The Fashion Industry

I have created several multi million dollars businesses in the fashion industry.  The key to their growth,was success at retail.  The bottom line is the stores that did

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